About Instant Site Audit
We help small and medium sized business owners who've created their own websites to make sure those websites are fast,
secure and have everything in place to successfully rank in search engine results pages

Measure the speed, security and search engine optimization of your site in less than a minute
...and get clear, simple guidance on how to quickly and reliably improve your scores without hiring expensive specialists
If you get these three basic pieces of the puzzle right, your website will be orders of magnitude better placed to rank higher than the majority of similar sites out there:
- Speed - tested via the Google PageSpeed algorithm
- Security - tested against the OWASP standard
- SEO - tested against some fundamental on-page ranking principles
Instant Site Audit is really simple to use; just enter the URL of the webpage you want to assess and hit test. In less than a minute, your page speed, security and on-page SEO undergo almost 50 tests. You'll get a score out 100 for each category and a high level summary that will tell you if you need to take any action.
You can then, optionally and for a small one-off fee (no subscriptions here!), buy the full report which includes detailed guidance on what you can do to improve your speed, security and SEO scores. As part of your purchase you get access to four further full reports on the same page so you can re-test at any time and see how your changes have improved things.
Product Features
Speed Test
If your site takes more than a few seconds to load, visitors will leave and go elsewhere - probably to one of your competitors! We use the Google PageSpeed algorithm to test the speed of your site and then tell you how you can improve your score.
Security Test
Site hacking and hijacking is increasingly common. Implementing some basic security measures can help protect your site from hackers. We test the security response headers of your web page and then tell you how to make your site more secure.
SEO Test
If you don't get some basic things right with your on-page Search Engine Optimisation, you risk damaging your chances of being ranked in the search engine results pages. We test your on-page SEO and guide you through getting the basic stuff in place.
We'll give you a high level assessment of your site's speed, security and SEO test results. You can download a full report - written in plain english - to help you make some adjustments, fixes and tweaks to improve your site's speed, security and SEO scores.
Why website page speed is so important
If your pages load quickly, your visitors are more likely to stay and become customers. Simple.
Google aims to provide high-quality search results for users. One of their metrics for achieving that is page load times. Research shows that page speed affects user experience.
So, the better your page speed, the better chance you have of ranking Google. The better you rank in Google, the more likely you are to get new visitors. The more likely your new visitors are to engage with your site, the more likely they are to turn into customers.
Improving you website's page speed leads you into a self-fulfilling virtuous circle of better search engine results ranking > more visitors > fast page load > great user experience > more customers.
And the good news is you don't necissarily have to be massively tech savvy to improve your page speed score - your report will give you plain english guidance on how you can improve your page's speed with a few simple changes.

Why page security is so important
There are endless website hacking statistics published on the internet which, in itself, should be a trigger for action to any website owner. For example, according to Check Point, in 2021 there was a 50% increase in overall cyberattacks per week on corporate networks compared to 2020. Omer Dembinsky, data research manager at Check Point Software said "New penetration techniques and evasion methods have made it much easier for hackers to execute malicious intentions."
And because large corporates have had to tighten up their website security, it's the small and medium size business websites which have increasingly become a target for hackers.
Securing your small or medium size business' website is, of course, only one aspect of cyber security that you need to implement. But, it's shockingly true to say that a huge proportion of websites don't have even the most basic security measures in place. Since 2018, Google has been penalising websites without SSL (HTTPS). So not only are those sites insecure but they'll also rank less highly in the search engine results pages.
We'll test your site for these security settings and provide guidance on how to easily implement fundamental security precautions to protect your site. The theory is that if you make your website that bit harder to hack, the hackers will quickly move on to an easier target.
Why website search engine optimisation is so important
There are almost 2 billion websites on the internet today and people rely on search engines when they want to find information or services on those sites. So in order for your website to be found amongst all those millions of other sites, search engine optimization - or SEO - is more important than ever.
To be successful in organic search means your site has to be optimized for a combination of factors which search engines consider important – technical, on-page and off-page. Off-page techniques – such as link building – receive a lot of attention on the web and of course they're really important but, off-page SEO won't be enough if you don’t pay attention to the fundamentals – on-page SEO.
On-page SEO is important because it helps search engines understand your website and its content, as well as identify whether it is relevant to a searcher's query. So, in addition to publishing relevant, high-quality content, on-page SEO includes optimizing things like your headlines, HTML tags (title, meta, and header), and images.
We'll test your site for these on-page SEO fundamentals and give you advice on how to quickly and easily improve things.

Test your page now
Our pricing couldn't be simpler. We don't tie you in to a subscription. You can run as many tests as you like.
You decide if you want to buy the full report based on the scores and comments we provide in your summary test results.
Paypal and all major payment cards accepted (securely handled by Paddle).
See the FAQ and contact us if you have questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your questions answered about Instant Site Audit's speed, security and SEO testing
Do you test my whole website?
No, only the URL you enter in the form is tested, although we do test links on that page to make sure they're working. We could crawl your entire site but we don't for a couple of reasons; firstly, depending on how many pages you have on your site, it could take a long time to run and secondly, we'd have to charge much more for the report - to cover server resources etc. - and we don't want to do that. A report on a single page - we recommend the home page - usually gives you enough information to enable you to make changes across all of your site's pages.
How many tests do you do on my site?
Our clever little algorithm runs over 50 different live tests on the URL you enter. For the speed test we use Google's PageSpeed Insight API mainly because that's the industry standard for assessing a site's speed performance. For both the site security and on-page search engine optimization tests, we use our own testing algorithms.
Will your test impact my site's performance while it's running?
No. The tests are non intrusive and are broadly equivalent to your site being visited by around ten people.
Should I aim for a 100% score?
Probably not! Achieving 100% for site speed, security and SEO performance is a really tall order. If you're in the green (> 90%) across the board, that should be good enough - focus your efforts on off-page SEO and producing good content instead.
Do I have to pay up front to run a test?
No absolutely not. You can run as many tests as you like (within reason!) and you can choose to buy the full report, or not, based on the summary results we give you. The summary will let you know the score for each of the three areas tested; speed, security and SEO, and will also tell you how many opportunities we found to help you improve the score in each. If you're happy with your scores when you see the summary - congratulations! - then there's not really any benefit in buying the report, unless you want to show off of course!
What's included in the full report?
The full report gives you the results of each and every speed, security and SEO test that's been run on your URL. If there's an opportunity to improve any aspect of the site, the report provides plain english guidance on how to implement the changes needed. It will also, where appropriate, include example code and/or links to support documentation to help you understand and address the issue.
Can I get a refund?
We can't usually offer refunds because the product we provide is digital and available as soon as you complete your payment. However, if you've made a genuine mistake with your purchase or you're really not happy about something, please reach out and we'll work things out.
Can I get an offline copy of the report?
Yes, absolutely. When you buy the full report you'll get online access to it and you can also export it to a PDF file which you can download and keep forever.
Can I run the test on any site?
Yes. There are no restrictions on which web pages you can test. The tests won't adversely affect the performance of the site being tested.
I run an agency, can I resell reports to my clients?
Yes. When you run a test and buy the full report, you get access to a permalink and a completely unbranded PDF copy of the results. You're free share those with anyone you like. If you're an agency, then you're also free to sell access to them. In fact we have a lot of agencies who use the reports as part of their cold outreach to leads.
Instant Site Audit
Automated speed, security and search engine optimization testing.
20-22 Wenlock Road
London N1 7GU